Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about what can be a confusing time. You are not alone.‬

We Offer

Holistic education for your birth journey.

At what stage of my pregnancy should I attend the course?

Radiant Birth is designed to empower you by providing you with the tools and information for the foundation of your motherhood journey. We suggest joining us any time before 37 weeks of your pregnancy. However, if you’re reading this and past this point, please contact us directly so we can discuss your options.

What level of yoga experience do I need for the course?

Classes are designed for those who have had little to some exposure to the practice of yoga in a public class setting, including an introduction to basic poses and proper alignment. We can modify what you’ll be doing based on your level of experience - so you will always feel supported.

Can I just come to one part of the course?

Each week is a progression to the next and we would hate for you to miss out on valuable information, so it’s not possible to book just one part of the course. We completely understand that being pregnant is exhausting and an overload of information can be overwhelming so space in between lectures was intentionally planned so you have time digest and process all the information and content from our course. This format is designed to carve out time for YOU. We know that this is a rare and scared opportunity for new or second time mums.

What do I need to bring?

Yourself, your open mind and your open heart. 

The studio complies with all a COVID-safe practices, and we provide mats, blocks, bolsters, and straps. Just bring anything else you need to make yourself feel comfy and safe. 

Journals, pens are provided by us. We also provide a beautiful lunch and cold-pressed juice lovingly made by Morning Market.

Is it safe to practice yoga through my pregnancy?

Absolutely. All our yoga classes are lead and created by professionally-trained prenatal yoga teachers who are qualified to support pregnant and birthing women. From breath work to the physical practice, the classes are orchestrated to address a growing body and contain a strong focus on anatomy and alignment. Take comfort that our yoga teachers are also mums who have experienced the physical journey of pregnancy themselves. We acknowledge every woman’s pregnancy is unique, so if you have any concerns or health issues please contact our team directly.

Can my partner attend the course?

Partners are welcome to our Active Birth Education part of the course. We acknowledge the importance of birthing support and how this plays out in the birth space. The rest of the course is purely for the mama’s. Think of it like a pre-mothers club with yoga as a common shared interest at the heart of an immersive group experience. We suggest you share your learnings from Radiant Birth with your birthing partner, family and immediate community.

Where is the course location?

Our course will be hosted at Fort Green Yoga which is located  202A High street Northcote. This inspired New York City loft boasts timber floor boards, fresh white walls and is adorned with a 10 metre mirror. Filled with live greenery and natural light, we couldn’t have asked for more mindful  space.  For more information and pictures of the space please visit their site here.

Where do I sign up?

After some more detail?

Accommodating to your needs

Our services are designed to compliment one another. We recommend booking both a course and doula in tandem. As we understand that birth is not a one-size-fits-all, we also welcome bookings for courses or doulas separately.



Get informed with a full spectrum approach to preparing for childbirth.



Bolster yourself with 1:1 care from a birth or postpartum Radiant Doula.