Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about what can be a confusing time. You are not alone.‬

We Offer

Advocacy for your birth journey.

What is a birth attendant or doula?

A birth attendant or doula provides continuity of care during pregnancy  and birth. They are designed to connect to both you and your partner and make you feel safe. In the lead-up to birth you’ll work together to deconstruct your personal and socio-economic beliefs surrounding your birth, help to create your birth and postpartum preferences, debrief your appointments with your care providers and help instil trust in yourself and your baby as you prepare for labour and motherhood. A doula acts a stable and normalising presence during your labour and birth. They provide emotional and psychological support to guide you through the process from antenatal care to immediate postpartum care. Appointments happen in the comfort of your own home.

Is a doula a midwife?

A doula is not a medical professional but work beautifully with midwifery care.

What is a postpartum doula?

A postpartum doula is a support person who offers continuity of care as you enter motherhood. They may look like practical hands on support such as cooking, house cleaning, baby wearing or taking your older child to the park whilst you get some shut eye. They offer emotional support as you navigate sleep deprivation, hormonal shifts and also breastfeeding.  A postpartum doula may offer body work to help healing and aid and support with unpacking birth trauma.  Sessions take place in your home.

What are the benefits of having a birth attendant?

Continuous Support for Women in Childbirth,  have statistically proven that that women who received continuous labour support were: 

  • More likely to : give birth ‘spontaneously’, i.e. give birth with neither caesarean nor vacuum nor forceps.

  • Less likely to use pain medications or have a caesarean birth. 

  • Were more likely to be satisfied with their experience.

  • Had slightly shorter labour.

  • Likely experienced lower rates of postpartum depression and; experienced lower rates of negative feelings about their childbirth experience.

When is it best to engage with a doula?

As there are not many birth doulas in Naarm,  it’s best to secure a booking asap, this goes with postpartum doulas too. One to one care means undivided attention and your whole self as a practitioner - this means that taking on clients is limited and has a capacity cap.

Where do I sign up?

After some more detail?

Our services are designed to compliment one another. We recommend booking both a course and doula in tandem. As we understand that birth is not a one-size-fits-all, we also welcome bookings for courses or doulas separately.

Accommodating to your needs



Get informed with a full spectrum approach to preparing for childbirth.



Bolster yourself with 1:1 care from a birth or postpartum Radiant Doula.